The procedure for admission to the clinical residency of the State Institution "National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation"
Admission to clinical residency at the State Institution "National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation" (hereinafter - the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation) is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction on the procedure for organizing and undergoing training in clinical residency, distribution of clinical residents, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated 06.01.2009 No. 2 "About some issues of training in clinical residency" and on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated 27.04.2018 No. 422 "About the organization of admission to clinical residency in 2018".
1. Training in clinical residency is carried out at the expense of the republican budget and on the terms of payment by individuals and (or) legal entities in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
2. Admission to clinical residency on a paid basis is carried out in excess of the admission control figures approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated 04/27/2018 No. 422 "About the organization of admission to clinical residency in 2018.
3. Training in clinical residency is carried out in full-time (duration of training 24 months) and (or) part-time (duration of training 36 months) forms. The list of specialties for which training is carried out in clinical residency is approved annually by order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
4. Acceptance of documents for clinical residency of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation is carried out:
- at the expense of the republican budget - from June 01 to July 02, 2018;
- on payment terms - from June 01 to July 02, 2018.
- Determine the reserve day for receiving documents - July 09, 2018.
5. To participate in the competition for training in clinical residency on the terms of budgetary funding, specialist doctors with at least 2 years of work experience in the profile of the chosen specialty (excluding the period of internship (internship), submit to the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation the following documents:
- application addressed to the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation;
- a copy of the diploma of higher medical education and an annex to it;
- a copy of the document on the internship (internship);
- a copy of the document confirming the availability of a qualification category;
- a copy of the work book;
- a personal record sheet (with a photo), certified by the personnel department of the last place of work or study;
- autobiography;
- recommendation characteristic from the last place of work;
- Copies of the above documents are certified by the personnel department of the last place of work or study;
- a medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus;
- 3 photos of 3x4 cm.
- A passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus (a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or a refugee certificate) and a military ID are presented in person.
6. For the implementation of admission to clinical residency, by order of the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation, a competition commission is created.
7. The competition commission, on the basis of documents submitted by specialist doctors, persons who have received higher medical education outside the Republic of Belarus, admits a specialist doctor, a person who has received a higher medical education outside the Republic of Belarus, to participate in the competition for training in clinical residency, to the entrance tests.
8. Entrance examinations in the specialty of clinical residency are held on July 09, 2018.
The reserve day for the entrance exam is July 16, 2018.
9. Clinical residency admits specialist doctors who have passed through a competition based on the results of entrance examinations.
10. Procedure for conducting examination tests:
10.1. By order of the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation, a commission is being created to take entrance exams in the specialty "medical and social assessment".
The commission includes: Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Laboratories, Head of the Department for Quality Control of Medical Care.
10.2. The schedule of examinations is approved.
10.3. Persons entering clinical residency take an exam in the specialty "medical and social assessment" in the scope of the Entrance Exam Program approved by the Director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation.
10.4. The assessment of knowledge is carried out according to a 10-point system and is drawn up by the protocol of the examination committee.
11. Enrollment in clinical residency is made by the competition committee based on the results of the entrance tests.
12. Competitive criteria for admission to clinical residency at the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation:
12.1 if there are several applicants for admission, preference is given to the doctor with the higher score in the entrance examination;
12.2. in the event that applicants have equal conditions under clause 12.1, preference is given to a doctor who has more experience in the specialty;
12.3. while maintaining equal conditions under clauses 12.1-12.2, preference is given to a doctor with a higher medical category;
12.4. other things being equal, the preferential right to enrollment is enjoyed by medical specialists who were awarded the badge “Laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted students and students” and “Laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for support of talented youth "; winners (I and II degree diplomas) of international, republican reviews - competitions of student research papers in the profile of the specialty of clinical residency.
13. The competition for training in clinical residency immediately after the internship (internship) may be attended by specialist doctors who were awarded the badge "Laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted pupils and students" during the period of study at a higher medical educational institution and "Laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the support of talented youth", in agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
14. Doctors who successfully passed the entrance exam, but did not pass the competition, can be enrolled in clinical residency on a contractual (paid) basis based on the results of the exam and their personal application..
15. Enrollment for training in clinical residency is carried out by order of the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation after the end of the entrance examinations, but no later than August 01, 2018.
Enrollment and training in clinical residency is carried out on the basis of an agreement for the training of a clinical resident concluded with the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
For clinical residents undergoing full-time training in clinical residency at the expense of the republican budget, the contract defines the obligatory work on distribution within two years in state healthcare organizations, state medical scientific organizations, state educational institutions providing training, advanced training and ( or) retraining of specialists with higher or secondary specialized medical, pharmaceutical education.
16. Enrollment for training on the terms of payment is carried out by order of the director after the conclusion of the contract for training on the terms of payment in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the interview at the competition committee. The results of the interview are drawn up in the form of a recommendation note by the chairman of the commission on the application of the candidate, with a positive decision - indicating the candidacy of the head of the clinical resident.
17. Doctors from among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and persons equated to them wishing to undergo training in clinical residency on payment terms, attach the following documents to the application:
- application addressed to the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation;
- a copy of the diploma of higher medical education and an annex to it;
- a copy of the document on the internship (internship);
- a copy of the document confirming the availability of a qualification category;
- a copy of the work book;
- a personal record sheet (with a photo), certified by the personnel department of the last place of work or study;
- autobiography;
- recommendation characteristic from the last place of work;
- Copies of the above documents are certified by the personnel department of the last place of work or study;
- a medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus;
- 3 photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
- A passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus (a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or a refugee certificate) and a military ID are presented in person.
18. Clinical residents who have not arrived for training without a valid reason within 5 (five) days from the start of classes are subject to expulsion.
19. No more than two full-time clinical residents and no more than six part-time clinical residents can be assigned to one clinical internship supervisor.
20. Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of foreign states (hereinafter referred to as stateless persons), staying in the Republic of Belarus on a legal basis, are trained in clinical residency only in full-time form on a payment basis.
Admission for training in clinical residency of foreign citizens and stateless persons staying in the Republic of Belarus on a legal basis and having the necessary level of education is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded by the State Institution " National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation"with foreign citizens and stateless persons or their representatives ...
21. A prerequisite for admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons to undergo training in clinical residency is that they have a passport or other identity document, an appropriate visa and a compulsory medical insurance contract.
22. Pursuant to clause 1 of paragraph 3-a of the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 4, 2006 No. 38/65, admission to training in clinical residency of doctors from among foreign citizens is carried out within a year.
23. A candidate for training submits an application to the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation, indicating the specialty of training. Attached to the application:
- a copy of a diploma of higher medical education (the original is presented when registering documents);
- a copy of the supplement to the diploma in the form of an extract from the examination sheet about the subjects studied and the marks / points received (the original is presented when registering documents);
- a copy of a passport with a visa and a copy of medical insurance (originals are presented when registering documents);
- 3 photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm;
- copies of documents confirming medical practice, certified in accordance with the established procedure (if you have work experience).
24. Training in clinical residency of medical specialists from among foreign citizens is carried out without presenting requirements for work experience in the profile of the chosen specialty and for internship in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
25. Foreign citizens are interviewed (tested) at the competition committee. The interview (testing) includes questions on the main sections of the major discipline, and also determines the level of terminology and knowledge of the Russian language. The results of the interview (testing) are drawn up in the form of a recommendation note by the chairman of the commission on the application of the candidate, indicating the candidacy of the head of the clinical resident. The chairman of the commission is obliged to familiarize the candidate with the training program in clinical residency.
26. Enrollment of foreign citizens for training in clinical residency at the expense of organizations and individuals' own funds is made by order of the director of the National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation after the conclusion of a bilateral agreement.
27. Before the start of training in clinical residency, foreign citizens undergo a mandatory medical examination.
28. Foreign citizens who have not started training in clinical residency without a valid reason within five days from the start of training are subject to expulsion from clinical residency.