Physiotherapy department

Head of the department:

Martynevsky Alexander Filippovich

Telephone: (+375 17) 516 70 97

Rehabilitation programs include the use of various physiotherapeutic techniques, depending on the location, the nature of the pathological process, the characteristics of its course, the individual characteristics of the patient.

The rehabilitation program includes a set of measures, the most important part of which is physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. Physical factors are used depending on the localization, the nature of the pathological process, the characteristics of its course, the individual characteristics of the patient.

Almost all types of electrotherapy can be carried out in the electrotherapy room :

exposure to constant electric current (galvanization, drug electrophoresis), impulse currents (electrosleep, diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy, interference therapy, fluctuation, electrodiagnostics, electrical stimulation), high voltage electric current (local darsonvalization)

, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields of various characteristics (magnetotherapy (devices of the «SPOK›› series), ultra-high-frequency therapy, microwave (millimeter-wave and centimeter-wave) therapy; the use of mechanical vibrations of the medium (ultrasound therapy, drug phonophoresis).

The department has a massage room , with two masseurs; vibration therapy is performed on a massage couch.

The equipment of the pneumocompression therapy room is represented by the devices «Lymphamat» and «Pressomed» (with their help, they reduce and eliminate swelling of the extremities, including lymphatic ones).

In the phototherapy room, laser therapy (apparatus «Lazermed»), magnetic laser therapy and hemolaser-magnetotherapy (apparatus «Rodnik»), phototherapy (apparatus «Bioptron») are carried out.

The department also uses methods with a modified or special air environment (aerosol therapy, aeroionotherapy, halotherapy).

Heat treatment is represented by mud in the form of local applications of sapropel mud.

Hydrotherapy includes various types of hydrotherapy (showers: jet, circular, underwater shower - massage; baths: fresh, aromatic, medicinal) and balneotherapy (mineral baths, gas baths in the form of pearl baths; as a modern type of carbon dioxide baths, the department uses "dry" carbon dioxide baths from the device «Reabox»).

The department conducts all types of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). There are 3 instructor-methodologists working. Group exercise therapy is carried out in a hall with an area of 60 sq. meters. The hall is equipped with all the necessary equipment for a full range of medical gymnastics. Particular attention is paid to individual exercise therapy.

Treatment and rehabilitation is carried out by highly qualified medical personnel.

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  • БРСМ1
Электронная медицинская библиотека
Minsk region, Minsk district, district, village Yukhnovka, Kolodischansky s / s, 93

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