Indications for planned medical rehabilitation

The list of medical indications and contraindications for inpatient medical rehabilitation at the State Institution "National Sciece and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation"

(approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 1168 dated 12.11.2014 "On Amendments and Additions to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated 14.01.2011 No. 28 "On the Procedure for Selecting and Sending Patients for Medical Rehabilitation at the State Institution "National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation")


Medical indications:

Estimated terms of transfer to early rehabilitation:

Medical contraindications:

Medical rehabilitation


1. Conditions after treatment (surgical, combined, complex):

§  malignant diseases of the breast;

§  malignant diseases of the organs of the female genitourinary system;

§  malignant diseases of the male urogenital organs;

2. Conditions after surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract:

§  operations on the esophagus;

§  subtotal gastrectomy;

§  gastrectomy;

§  pancreato-duodenal resection;

§  liver resection;

§  small intestine surgery;

§  operations on the ascending colon.

3. Conditions after surgical treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland (total thyroidectomy) and parathyroid glands:

§  primary postoperative hypothyroidism;

§  primary postoperative hypoparathyrosis;

§  post-traumatic dysphonia;

§  postoperative neuropathies.

4. Conditions after treatment (surgical, combined, complex) of malignant diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

5. Conditions after treatment (surgical, combined, complex) of malignant diseases of the musculoskeletal system without pronounced dysfunction of support and movement.

6. Conditions after radical treatment of malignant diseases of the lymphoid tissue.

7. Conditions after transplantation of liver, pancreas, endocrine gland cells.

8. Conditions requiring active rehabilitation measures for other oncological diseases.

According to the
conclusion of the
1 course

4th clinical group of oncological dispensary registration.

3rd clinical group oncological dispensary registration for suspected disease recurrence or tumor metastases.

Loop adductor syndrome, dumping and severe hypoglycemic syndrome.

Atony of the stomach stump.

Severe postvagotomy diarrhea.

Chronic (progressive) hepatitis of any etiology, liver cirrhosis.

Inability to move independently (except for a cane) and self-care.

Absolutely unfavorable oncological prognosis.

Need for active special treatment.

Conditions on the eve of or immediately after the course of radioiodine therapy (deep hypothyroidism, excretion of radioactive iodine).

Laryngeal stenosis 3 tbsp.

The state of clinical and hormonal decompensation, bradycardia up to 50 beats per minute, severe myopathy, neuropathy.

Cardiovascular failure above stage 2A.

Chronic kidney disease stage 4-5.

Decompensated stage of liver failure.

Respiratory failure stage II and higher.

Enuresis, concomitant disorders of the pelvic organs, all types of stomas.

Acute inflammatory (purulent) processes.

Feverish states of unknown etiology.

Acute infectious diseases before the end of the isolation period.

Persons who were in contact with patients with infectious diseases during the period of their infectiousness for the period of the maximum incubation period of this disease.

Diseases of the blood in the acute stage, hemoblastosis.

Skin and venereal diseases in the acute or contagious stage.

All forms of tuberculosis are in the active stage.

Mental disorders in the stage of decompensation.

Expressed violations of intellectual and mnestic functions.

Uncontrolled and resistant arterial hypertension.



Medical indications:

Frequency rate of the re-rehabilitation course during the year:

Medical contraindications:

Medical rehabilitation


1. Conditions after the end of radical (surgical, combined, complex) treatment of malignant neoplasms:

§ breast (including secondary lymphedema from 2 cm and above, post-chemotherapeutic polyneuropathy, post-radiation polyneuropathy, contracture of the shoulder joint);

§  organs of the female and male genital organs (including secondary lymphedema from 2 cm and above, post-chemotherapeutic and post-radiation polyneuropathy);

§  pancreas and small intestine (malabsorption syndromes, maldigestion);

§  thyroid gland (postoperative neuropathy);

Other oncological diseases requiring active rehabilitation measures:

o    post-radiation plexopathy;

o    post-chemotherapy and post-radiation polyneuropathy;

o    contractures.

Once a year

(if secondary lymphedema
III stage 1-2 times per year.
for 5 years
from the time
of occurrence

in the presence
- 1 times per year
for 3 years
from the completion
of radical

at condition of
preservation of the

2nd and 4th clinical groups of oncological dispensary registration.

3rd clinical group oncological dispensary registration for suspected disease recurrence or tumor metastases.

Loop adductor syndrome, dumping and severe hypoglycemic syndrome.

Atony of the stomach.

Severe postvagotomy diarrhea.

Chronic (progressive) hepatitis of any etiology.

Cirrhosis of the liver.

Need for active special treatment.

Conditions on the eve of or immediately after the course of radioiodine therapy (deep hypothyroidism, excretion of radioactive iodine).

Inability to move independently (except for a cane) and self-care.

Cardiovascular failure above stage 2A.

Chronic kidney disease stage 4-5.

Decompensated stage of liver failure.

Respiratory failure stage II and higher.

Enuresis, concomitant disorders of the pelvic organs, all types of stomas.

Chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation (decompensation).

Acute inflammatory (purulent) processes.

Feverish states of unknown etiology.

Acute infectious diseases before the end of the isolation period.

Persons who have been in contact with a patient with infectious diseases during the period of their infectiousness for the period of the maximum incubation period of this disease.

Diseases of the blood in the acute stage of hemoblastosis.

Skin and venereal diseases in the acute or contagious stage.

All forms of tuberculosis are in the active stage.

Mental disorders in the stage of decompensation.

Pronounced violations of the intellectual-mnestic function.

Uncontrolled and resistant arterial hypertension.

14-18 days

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