Laboratory of medical assessment and rehabilitation of children

Head of laboratory

Doroshenko Irina Toymuradovna

Telephone: (+375 17) 516 70 59

Mission: improving the quality of life of children with impaired functions of organs and body systems and limitation of life.

The purpose of the laboratory's scientific research: to improve the process of medical assessment, medical rehabilitation and habilitation of children, as well as assessing the quality of medical care for the child population, taking into account international approaches and modern technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children.

Subject of research is the degree of severity of dysfunctions, the degree of limitation of categories of vital activity; the need of disabled children in rehabilitation measures (medical, social, professional and labor); the quality of medical care on the basis of its compliance with clinical protocols, methods and procedures for the implementation of medical care, the quality of medical assessment; psychological and pedagogical features of the development of children in different age periods with an emphasis on the leading type of age-related activity.

Object of research is children with the threat of life limitation and disabled children with various pathologies of childhood, medical and medical assessment documents, indicators of child disability, opinions of specialists from educational institutions.

Areas of activity (tasks):

  • conducting scientific research in the most priority areas of health care development in the field of medical expertise, medical rehabilitation and habilitation of children, as well as assessing the quality of medical care for the child population;
  • development and implementation of new and improvement of already existing theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of medical assessment, medical rehabilitation (habilitation) and assessment of the quality of medical care, medical examinations for children with psychophysical and disabled children, including taking into account international approaches ;
  • development and improvement of algorithms and standards for expert rehabilitation diagnostics, criteria for assessing the severity of violations of the functions of organs and systems, disabilities, taking into account social, psychological, pedagogical and professional and labor aspects, allowing to assess the degree of loss of health in persons under the age of 18;
  • development and improvement of methods and technologies for medical rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled children and children with special psychophysical development, including clinical protocols and programs of medical rehabilitation (habilitation), criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation (habilitation);
  • providing consulting and organizational and methodological assistance to organizations and institutions dealing with medical assessment and medical rehabilitation (habilitation) of the child population.
  • eacf225a02dcd35ad59cd79ada5a6acd
  • год качества
  • БРСМ1
Электронная медицинская библиотека
Minsk region, Minsk district, district, village Yukhnovka, Kolodischansky s / s, 93

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