Laboratory of medical assessment and rehabilitation in mental and behavioral disorders
Head of laboratory
Emelyantseva Tatiana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Tel.: (+375 17) 516-94-33
Mission : improving the quality of life of patients with mental and behavioral disorders.
The purpose of the laboratory's scientific research: to improve the process of medical assessment and medical rehabilitation, as well as assessing the quality of medical care for people with mental and behavioral disorders, taking into account international approaches and modern technologies for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
Subject of research: causes, mechanisms and conditions for the occurrence of disorders of mental functions leading to disabilities in persons with mental and behavioral disorders, taking into account the impact of barrier and resource factors of the environment; the need for rehabilitation measures (medical, social, professional and labor); the quality of medical care and the quality of medical assessment in persons with mental and behavioral disorders.
Object of research: Persons with mental and behavioral disorders with established disability or risk of life limitation;
Areas of activity (tasks):
- analysis of the structure of disability, the reasons for its formation and dynamics in mental and behavioral disorders in the Republic of Belarus;
- conducting scientific research in the most priority areas of health care development in the field of medical assessment, medical rehabilitation, as well as assessing the quality of medical care for people with mental and behavioral disorders;
- development and implementation of new and improvement of existing theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of medical assessment, medical rehabilitation and assessment of the quality of medical care for people with mental and behavioral disorders, taking into account international approaches and international experience;
- development of new and improvement of existing methods of medical assessment (criteria, parameters and procedure for assessing disabilities), taking into account international approaches and modern diagnostic technologies, professional assessment and professional training in persons with mental and behavioral disorders;
- development of new and improvement of existing methods of medical rehabilitation based on evidence-based expert criteria, taking into account international approaches;
- development and improvement of psychotherapeutic / psychocorrectional methods of medical rehabilitation in persons with basic disabling pathology;
- advisory and organizational and methodological assistance to organizations and institutions on medical assessment and rehabilitation, assessing the quality of medical care for people with mental and behavioral disorders.
- Martynenko Alexander Ilyich, research associate, expert doctor, psychiatrist-narcologist.
- Olga Zakharevich, Research associate, Master of Psychology.
- Lakutin Anton Andreevich, Junior Research associate, Master of Psychology.