• Main
  • Scientific activity

Scientific activity

The main directions of scientific activities of the center:

  • increasing the level of objectivity in assessing the disabilities of disabled people and the validity of the appointment of methods and means of rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • increasing the availability and efficiency of medical rehabilitation at all stages of providing rehabilitation care to patients;
  • development of innovative approaches to the organization and conduct of medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of disabled people, taking into account the provisions of the ICF;
  • improvement of personalized data for the registration of persons with disabilities; accounting and analysis of indicators of primary disability, morbidity with temporary disability of workers;
  • improvement of interdepartmental interaction in the conduct of medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of disabled people; development of high-tech methods and complex technologies of medical rehabilitation for the main nosological forms of disabling diseases.
Minsk region, Minsk district, district, village Yukhnovka, Kolodischansky s / s, 93

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