
Postgraduate education of the II stage

In 2018, by order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 11, 2018 No. 706 "On the opening of training for the implementation of the educational program of postgraduate education of the II (doctoral) stage in the specialty 02/14/06" on the basis of the State Institution "National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation" specialty 14.02.06 - Medical and social assessment and medical and social rehabilitation (branch of science - medical, group of specialties - preventive medicine). The basis is the decision of the board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated June 28, 2018 No. 8/14.

Formula of the specialty 02/14/06 - Medical and social assessment and medical and social rehabilitation.

Medical and social assessment and medical and social rehabilitation is a field of medical science dealing with the elucidation of the causes, mechanisms and conditions for the occurrence of functional disorders (defects), leading to disabilities; the development of criteria for assessing their severity, the study of the mechanisms of compensatory-restorative, adaptive reactions of the body and ways of their correction; the development and use of methods of medical rehabilitation (psychological, physical (active and passive), drug rehabilitation, reconstructive surgery and other methods), the use of technical means to compensate for impaired functions and abilities, as well as professional and social rehabilitation for various types of disorders, as a consequence of various forms pathology; scientific substantiation and systematization of approaches to the medical and social assessment of sick and disabled people, the development of scientifically grounded technologies for the prevention of disability, reducing the primary exit to disability and reducing the severity of disability; issues of the epidemiology of persistent dysfunctions (defects), limitation of life activity and social insufficiency in various nosological forms (within certain classes of diseases or types of pathology); the adaptation of expert and rehabilitation activities to the international nomenclature of functioning approved by the World Health Organization as an addition to the international classification of diseases. issues of the epidemiology of persistent dysfunctions (defects), limitation of life activity and social insufficiency in various nosological forms (within certain classes of diseases or types of pathology); the adaptation of expert and rehabilitation activities to the international nomenclature of functioning approved by the World Health Organization as an addition to the international classification of diseases. issues of the epidemiology of persistent dysfunctions (defects), limitation of life activity and social insufficiency in various nosological forms (within certain classes of diseases or types of pathology); the adaptation of expert and rehabilitation activities to the international nomenclature of functioning approved by the World Health Organization as an addition to the international classification of diseases.

Admission of persons for postgraduate education is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the training of highly qualified scientific workers in the Republic of Belarus", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on 01.12.2011 No. 561.

Persons with a Ph.D. degree and are the authors of scientific articles, as well as other materials based on the results of scientific research (monographs, materials related to objects of intellectual property registered in the established manner, materials and (or) abstracts of reports at conferences, are admitted to doctoral studies , reports on completed research and development, acts (certificates) on their use, confirming participation in the implementation of state programs of scientific research, scientific and technical programs and innovative projects in priority areas of scientific research or priority areas of scientific and technical activities), which form the basis for doctoral dissertation with the possibility of its completion within three years.The term of study in doctoral studies in the full-time form of education should not exceed three years, in the form of competition - five years. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons and foreign citizens who are holders of foreign diplomas of higher education and academic degrees, before submitting documents for admission to doctoral studies, must confirm the equivalence (compliance) of their foreign documents with Belarusian diplomas of higher education and academic degrees in the manner established by legislative acts.

A prerequisite for admission of foreign citizens to doctoral studies is that they have a passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a compulsory medical insurance agreement, drawn up in the manner prescribed by legislative acts, and in case of admission to doctoral studies with training in Russian (Belarusian) language - proficiency in Russian (Belarusian) language at a level sufficient to master the corresponding educational program of postgraduate education.

Applicants for training must submit the following documents:

  1. (32 Kb) Application addressed to the head of an educational institution, an organization that implements educational programs of postgraduate education. Personal sheet of personnel records.
  2. (26 Kb) Autobiography.
  3. A copy of the national diploma of a candidate of sciences or an equivalent document of a foreign state on the award of a scientific degree in accordance with the procedure established by law - for citizens of the Republic of Belarus; a copy of the national diploma of the candidate of sciences, the national diploma of the doctor of philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or the document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree - for foreign citizens and stateless persons.
  4. A copy of the work book or other documents confirming work experience.
  5. Application of the organization - customer of personnel (if any).
  6. List and copies of the main published scientific works on the profile of the proposed dissertation, copies of materials and (or) abstracts of reports at scientific, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposia and other similar events.
  7. Monographs, materials related to intellectual property, registered in the prescribed manner, reports on completed research and development, acts (certificates) on the use of the results of scientific developments, confirming the practical implementation of the results of scientific research, documents confirming participation in the implementation of state programs of scientific research, scientific and technical programs and innovative projects in priority areas of scientific research or priority areas of scientific and technical activities (if any).
  8. A dissertation preparation plan designed to complete the dissertation during the doctorate period.
  9. Reviews of two doctors of sciences, research directions of which are close to the topic of the dissertation, containing an assessment of the relevance of the topic, the validity of the proposed plan for preparing a dissertation and the possibility of preparing a dissertation during the period of study in doctoral studies.
  10. Documents giving the pre-emptive right for admission to doctoral studies (if any).
  11. Two photographs measuring 4 x 6 cm.
  12. Medical certificate of health status (for citizens of the Republic of Belarus).
  13. The conclusion of the medical and consulting commission issued by the territorial health organization of the Republic of Belarus (after passing a mandatory medical examination in the direction of an educational institution, an organization that implements educational programs of postgraduate education) (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
  14. Medical certificate on the state of health and a certificate of absence of HIV infection, issued by the official health authority of the country from which the candidate for doctoral studies arrived (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
  15. A copy of the passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a compulsory medical insurance contract (for foreign citizens and stateless persons).

Foreign citizens and stateless persons entering doctoral studies in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, agreements on the implementation of international programs, agreements of educational institutions, organizations of the Republic of Belarus, implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, with organizations of foreign states (international organizations) or in the direction of the organization foreign state, submit additionally a copy of one of the above agreements or the direction of the organization of a foreign state.

The above documents, executed in a foreign language, are simultaneously accompanied by their translation into Belarusian or Russian, certified by a notary.

An identity document, a national diploma of a candidate of sciences, an equivalent document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree, a national diploma of a doctor of philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or a document of a foreign state on the award of an academic degree are presented by a person applying for a doctorate personally ...

Acceptance of documents for admission to doctoral studies is carried out from August 1 to September 30. Admission to doctoral studies is carried out annually on a competitive basis from October 1 to October 31, regardless of the subordination of the institution of postgraduate education, specialty and branch of science in which educational programs of postgraduate education are implemented, as well as forms of education.

The beginning of classes in institutions of postgraduate education - November 1.

Address: 223027, Minsk region, Minsk district, district of the village Yukhnovka, Kolodischansky village council 93, State institution " National Science and Practice Center of Medical Assessment and Rehabilitation " of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, administrative building, office. No. 103 (academic) ( ), No. 107 (reception), No. 110 (personnel department).

Справки по телелефонам.

(+375 17) 516 69 18 приемная директора,

(+375 17) 516 69 09 ученая часть,

(+375 17) 516 69 21 отдел кадров

Minsk region, Minsk district, district, village Yukhnovka, Kolodischansky s / s, 93

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